Tuesday, December 26, 2006

I believe. . .

People can say what they want about marriage not being necessary or realistic, but I find great comfort in believing in our “forever”, our commitment. I am an introvert and can appreciate “alone time” and personal space. But I have Never needed my husband like I do now. There are secrets of the heart that you only share with the person in your life that you never think will leave you. Your spouse has “promised” to be there for you through it all. Even after seeing you at your worst and finding out just how selfish and ugly your heart can be. They have promised to be your friend, to hold your hand, to love you and to allow you to love them back; to hold their hand and to be their friend.
If you don’t believe in a good marriage, then you don’t believe in yourself. You don’t believe that you can be that open, that supportive, that forgiving, and that self-sacrificing for that long. You have to know that you are capable of that kind of relationship in order to believe that someone else out there is also.
I find it interesting that a lot of people that do not believe in a God do not believe in marriage, in the traditional sense. They don’t see what a piece of paper has to do with a life long commitment. But I do. I believe that your word should stand for your character. I believe that commitment is something that should be stronger than motive. And I believe in God.
I think that because I am able to “believe” in something other than myself, something bigger and better, that it allows me to believe in me. And ultimately the “God” that is in me.
If you are finding it hard to believe in something solid, something good; even yourself and others. Reconsider the importance of God in your life.

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