Monday, December 11, 2006


Okay, I guess I need to let off a little steam and where better to do this??

First, let me say that I am a normal Joe (ett). I do not see myself as being any better, smarter, cuter, funnier, wiser, ect. than the next guy. And I generally care about people and do try to look at things from their prospective, when given the opportunity. So with that said, let me rant.
I suppose my main issue right now is with service or lack there-of.
Like I said, I’m a good person. I like people. I am a big tipper. I sympathize and relate to the average waiter in a big way. I too wait hand and foot all day on a bunch of babies. If you get them water, they want milk. If you get them milk they want juice. I get it. Really. So I try to be a good customer. I use your first names. I make eye contact. I try not to be on the cell phone when you are talking to me. And I stopped ordering things that were not on the menu years ago. I try to make your job as easy as I can. I even clean the table when I’m done. And the honest to goodness reason why I am eating there in the first place is because I want to be severed. I could grab food from anywhere, heck I have pizza hut on speed dial, but when I come to your restaurant it’s because I want to enjoy a warm meal, that I did not have to prepare and that I will not have to clean up after and that I could possibly, hopefully sit through the entire event.
So please show me the same respect I show you.
And for GS do not serve me crap tea.
If I order tea, than give me tea. If I order crap tea, then bring it on. But if I order tea DO NOT bring me tea with raspberry/orange/kiwi/green/black in it. And look all innocent as I gulp it down like a camel. If all you have is crap tea, then at least warn me.

And the other thing that I’m letting irritate me is my Christmas tree.
For GS people, leave my Christmas tree alone. Yes, it could stand in for Charlie Brown’s and yes, it is smaller than yours, but I like it! It’s the perfect accent piece to all the other decorations that I have. It takes up less storage. It requires fewer ornaments. I don’t have to stick a dump bow on top because a star looks tinny and ridiculous. No, I have a beautiful gold star that fits my smaller tree just fine and I think it looks nice. All that matters is that the tree is taller than my children, and it happens to be taller than me, it’s not bald and it is in new condition. So leave to poor thing alone. It’s doing a wonderful job being our little Christmas tree.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Even worse would be a waiter that was disrespectful, made fun of your Christmas tree, and then brought you a peach tea! :) It would be totally acceptable to kick that person in the hoo-ha :) I like your blog!