Monday, February 5, 2007

Raise and Shine (part 1)

1:23 a.m. Babyboy wants a bottle.

2:33 a.m. 3 year old wants another sippy cup of milk. Not just milk, but Warm Chocolate Milk. And as she demands this she is standing on my side of the bed yelling at me. I threaten her life if she wakes up her baby brother and move faster than I would have thought possible at that time of morning. All the while telling myself that I HAVE to do something about her attitude. Then I look at the clock and think that maybe I shouldn't expect a lot out of a 3 year old at 3 a.m.

4:45 a.m. 3 year old wet the bed. This is extremely upsetting for her and I wonder why I forgot to put her in an overnight diaper. I didn't forget, it leaked. I strip the bed all the while "shhhh"ing her and begging her not to wake up her other siblings. She is warm, dry and armed with yet another warm chocolate milk sippy. I vaguely wonder what kind of mess I will awake to find and hope that this diaper holds up. I return to my bedroom and am greeted by the beautiful sleeping sounds of my gently snoring husband. I just happen to elbow him as I re-straightened my covers.

6:15 a.m. Hubby's alarm goes off. I hit him. He hits snooze.

6:24 a.m. Hubby's alarm goes off again. I nudge him. He hits snooze.

6:30 a.m. Babyboy starts to wiggle and whimper. I start praying, "Dear God, one more hour. One more hour will make all the difference."

6:45 a.m.* I ask Hubby to get baby, Hubby jumps out of bed saying something about being late. He is followed into the bathroom by a flying pillow. And so it begins.

*Hubby is not always this. . . unavailable. He is usually pretty "hands on"...but not today. I think he'll be bringing home dinner tonight.

To Be Continued...

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