Wednesday, February 21, 2007


I not only have a three year old, but she’s a Red Headed Three Year Old. Not only is she a “handful” as people like to playfully call her. ( At this I always try to contain the urge to sit them down and explain why she is Not a “playful handful” but more of a monster that is out to get me. A vision flashes through my head as they kindly smile and nod. A vision of me telling them this story wide eyed and frightend.)
My daughter is what some would call a choleric, others a brat. Now I want to make myself perfectly clear that she is not always difficult, sometimes she down right impossible. But really, a lot of the time she a doll baby, and not the Chucky kind. . . the angelic kind. Infact, I think that is why I get so raddled whenever she turns Mr. Hyde on my arse. Everything’s sugar and spice for a few months, and then one day out of the bed rises a monster. A short one.
At times like today, I truly feel like I am being mentally abused by a three year old. Nothing I do is right, or fast enough. I myself am not a choleric, but I am not the lapdog type either. I see myself as a healthy medium, but it does take a little extra something to exert the power necessary to remain on the throne. I refuse to have a home that is ruled by little people, but apparently them be fightin’ words.
I felt like I was in Mommy boot camp last night. After a Full day of whinnying, crying, fighting, and general unhappiness we finally get to sleep. I had not had my head on the pillow for more than an hour and a half before I am awakened to the three year old standing in the dark, next to my bed. . . .yelling. And yelling. When I asked her what was wrong, she would yell. When I asked her what she wanted she would yell, “NOTHING”. And then yell some more.
What the -------!!!!!
I felt like those poor guys in the military that get woken up in the middle of the night with cold water dumped on their heads, only to be drug outside and tortured. That fool was me. I felt just as helpless, just as out of control as they have to. Yes, we could punisher her, and we do. But when she gets like that, when she gets all mad monster on us, any kind of punishment just makes it worse. I usually ignore her, and she will come around rather quickly, but in a case like last night, when she’s on full steam ahead there is no getting through to her. She’s on a mission to conquer and destroy.
I’m so damn tired.


Drew said...

ha. 'indulge' it is. I'll be on the lookout for... indulgences. ;)

Drew said...

So, I posted that comment in response to your comment prior to reading your entry. Ha... I'm sorry that reading it made me smile, I know it shouldn't... but consider it out of pity.

I'm trying to think of a partially clever way to throw 'indulgence' into my comment for this entry, but... it's just not coming. It was a good idea though.

Hums said...

Ahhhh. . . you laugh now guy, but your time will come,
In the meanwhile let me live vicariously through you and show me what indulgence looks like. Now, label it nice and big for me, because it’s been so very long since I’ve seen it, that I very well may not even recognize it. ;)