Monday, January 29, 2007

Silly. . .I know. (forgive me)

Okay, I’m starting to feel a little better. I’m starting to feel the tension in my shoulders dissolve a little. I can start planning outings for the family again, and we are able to have guests over to the house now. . . (now that my son’s surgery is over)
So I am slowly starting to feel more…normal, I guess.
It helped to hear a similar story from Tara. She has a very nice blog of her own going that I find myself going to more often than not.
There is something extremely comforting to hear stories from others that have walked a similar path. I never really felt like that until now.
I was never really a “support group” kind of person. But maybe things are changing. Maybe I’m changing. . .

Now onto something lighter.
When was the last time you laughed. I mean really let it out?
Were you with your friends? Your spouse? Was it your children that cause you to feel childlike and silly again? Do you “allow” yourself to find humor in a multitude of everyday things?
I personally have a somewhat drier sense of humor than my husband. And you are more likely to get a grin out of me than a belly laugh, but it’s not impossible. My sweet husband has an easy laugh. One that makes you “shhh” him in the theatre. His laugh usually makes me laugh more than the movie itself.
But there is this one joke that gets me EVERY time.
I will warn you that you may not find the humor in it yourself, but I personally can not say the entire joke straight through. After a word or two I start giggling, then chuckling and before I know it, I’m on the ground crying. I do have a suspicion that this joke is elementary to say the least, but the people that I share it with end up laughing as well. I’m just not sure what at. . . the joke, or the adult lady rolling around on the ground gasping for air. . . you decide.

A three (hee hee) legged dog walks into (hhhheeee heee) *a small tear
Into (HAAA HAAAAA Ah….) ( HEEE HEEEEE) * multiple tears
A bar ( trying to compose myself by this point)
And says (HAAA HAAAaaa children coming in now to check on me)
“ I’m lookin for the man (heee heeeeeeeeeee) who shot (HAAAA HAAAAA) my (HAAA AHAAHHAAAA ect. ) Paw.”

*Wiping tears away
Ewww! That felt good.


Unknown said...

I remember that joke :) I actually got to the part about you have a favorite joke and laughed to myslef because I already knew what it was :) Here are some of my new faves - I love the pirate jokes...

Did you hear about the new pirate movie that is coming out? It's rated "AAAAARRRRRRR"

Where is a pirates favorite place to shop? "TARRRRRRRRGET"

Why does he love to shop there? The "BARRRRRRRGINS"

What is a pirates favorite type of socks? "ARRRRRRGYLE"

Where is a pirates favorite place to eat? Long John Silvers (did you think ARRRRRRRBY's?)

What does a dyslexic pirate say? "RRRRAAAAAAA"

TK said...

Thanks for referring me. :) I'm definitely not a "support group" type of person either but you're learning much quicker than me (took me 3 years) the value of having someone understand your pain.

When my son was a baby it would have given me much hope to see another child with TOF doing great a few years down the road. Even now it does give me hope seeing other families in our situation doing well.