Saturday, January 6, 2007

Knock, Knock...I KNOW you're in there!

Tell me what you think. . .
I’m tend to be overly concerned with people and their feelings. I try not to make others uncomfortable if it’s not necessary.
With that said, I am faced with a dilemma. I am trying to make friends with my neighbors as I have mentioned before and I am trying to find that balance between being respectful and being friendly and inviting. I want to encourage a friendship with one neighbor in particular but I don’t want to be the neighbor that others run away from. I don’t fag them down every time I see them in the front yard. I politely wave and go about my own business, but if they want to talk, I do that too.
I’m just not sure . . .Should I try once more before backing off? Or should I assume that if they wanted a closer relationship then they would be reaching out as well? Now, don’t get me wrong, they don’t slam the door in my face or anything. Infact they warmly invite me in and we (the lady of the house) sit and chat for a good amount of time and I would venture to say that it is an enjoyable event for both involved, but can I be sure?? I had invited her to join me at the last minute to a Christmas party and she sounded sincere when she regrettably declined (her child was having a Christmas performance that night). But have not heard from her since. I offered to loan her some baby gear when she had relatives in over the holidays, and she accepted, but I have not heard from her since. (Yes, she returned the borrowed items.) So do I leave the ball in her court or do I assume that with the holidays and all, that she’s just been busy? I don’t want to be pushy, but I know that she’s the type to need a little pushing- just a little.
And now I have two new neighbors. They just built their homes next door. I would like to take them a pie, like I have done the others, but now I’m starting to wonder what the hell I’m doing. . .
It’s starting to sound “freakish” to me. Am I a freak? Has being neighborly in this day and age become something frowned upon? If I was your neighbor, would you run?
People, please give me a little perspective here. . . and hurry up, cause the pie's in the oven.


Average Jane said...

I always bring new neighbors a baked good and welcome them. Beyond that, it's kind of up to them whether they want to buddy up. We have a younger couple next door who are quite friendly on occasion and have come to one of our outdoor parties, but who pretty much keep to themselves the rest of the time. Sometimes you just have to content yourself with the occasional wave and "good morning."

white with two sugars said...

I think what you are doing sounds really lovely!
I've lived in one house all my life (of only 16 years) and I absolutely adore all my neighbours!
I don't think you sound like a freak at all.

Anonymous said...

I don't think you sound like a freak either. I agree with average jane, though, it's up to your neighbors if they want to become friends. I hope you delivered that pie!

Jessica Gottlieb said...

Bring them a little pie and bake some lovin' into it.

I'd kill for a neighbor like you.

Instead I have a 35 year old who lives with mommy and daddy and all 3 of them are just as useless as you might imagine.

Yes, bring them pie and continue to be fabulous.

Jessica Gottlieb said...


Do we read all the same blogs?????

Since there are 5 million or so don't you find it odd that we're popping up on all the same ones?

Scruffyhippo said...

I don't have neighbours, sometimes I miss having them but most of the time I don't.

A friend of mine was here last night and she was telling me how because here dog scared a neighbours cat to death she has been outcast by the whole village.

The dog is a greyhound and to be honest wouldn't know what to do with a cat if it caught it.

I tend to keep myself to myself and although some lacals do pay me a visit I am always nice but very rarely bother them.

So no don't think your freaky, your just doing what any normal neighbour would do, no doubt I would do the same if I had any lol.

Moggy said...

I think as long as you are sensitive to their feelings, and it sounds like you are - you are being a good neighbor. I only have one neighbor who has ever spoken to me, now that I'm in the city.

I come from a small town where you know your neighbors, so it seems a little awkward not to.

TK said...

Hi. This is the first time I have read your blog. My 3 yr. old son has Tetralogy of Fallot and had open heart surgery on his 5 month birthday. When is your son's surgery?

Hums said...

Thank you all for your input. It was kind of interesting though. I posted a much shorter version of this same question on another site and a majority of men suggested that I not even bother, with the pie, or the friendship. . . Interesting. . . .
Thank you all for your comments!