Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I think it's time to wash the dog.

I guess my nose has been permanently damaged from all the dirty diapers it has had to endure over the last
few years, because some things I just don’t smell.

I have learned to check the produce in my house once I see a fruit fly and have gotten in the habit of taking
out the trash a couple of times a day, but I have yet to get a routine down for bathing the dog and it’s starting
to show….or smell.

I bathe her when it occurs to me, but I must admit it is not on the top of my “to do” list.

Until today. . .

My oldest daughter is extremely creative and resourceful.

After our dog came in from outside smelling like a hot dog my daughter sprung into action to save her
good friend, Pinto’s, nose.

What you are looking at is a chenille winter cap and a child’s elastic headband.

I can’t decide if she’s going to be an engineer or a fashion designer.

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