Tuesday, March 6, 2007

You've got to be blanket-in' me?

I took my dog for a much needed walk last night. Crisp fresh air, stars twinkling and the moon raising. . .it was quiet and refreshing. We were only gone a little over half an hour, and in that time my two year old broke a favorite toy and was put into bed.
I was met at the door by my three year old who had tears running down her face and was threatening through sobs to throw up if we put her back to bed.
I am confident that the previously mentioned fresh air helped me find this mildly amusing, well maybe amusing is a strong word, but I was able to avoid a desperate screaming rage.
Fast forward an hour or two and the house is quite. My husband is on the computer doing school work, two children are in bed and the other is quietly watching a cartoon on my bed and chatting with her father. I am in heaven on the couch; loving dog at my feet with a remote in my hand. No place to go, and nothing to clean. Quite and wonderful. . .
Then my two year old is up and sweetly asking for her “blankie”.
“Hmmmm…..Let’s find it.” I say. We look in her room. We look in her closet. We look under her bed. We look in her dresser. We look in her covers and in her pillowcase. We then venture to the next room. Same routine. Then the playroom. We check all the toy ovens, microwaves, baskets ect. . . . nada.
I ask my husband if he’s seen it. He generously mumbles a reply that resembles “No.”
My three year old gets excited and joins in. “Werd it go?....Werd blankie go mommy?”
I sneak into the nursery, not there, I check under and behind the couches, nope.
Ask my husband again. “Did you put her down with her blanket?”
So I check our bedroom and bathroom. Then her bathroom. . . . Nothing.
I check the laundry room and the pantry…Nothing.
“Hunny, I may need your help.”
He then charges into her room like it’s the most obvious thing. He looks under the bed, in the closet and behind the dresser. . . Nothing.
“Hummm…..she had it….”
Then he searches the playroom, a little less confidently…. And on through the house it goes.
By now I am somewhat bewildered. . . So I backtrack. Kitchen, Master, Laundry room, Bathroom, Nursery, and so on.
The only place I could think that I hadn’t looked was outside and . . . . .
. . . . . . with more than a little hesitation. . . . . . . .



Anonymous said...

She was trying to wash it - spin cycle?

Drew said...

shit happens.... and apparently so do blankets.

-hope things have been gettin better for ya recently!

OhTheJoys said...

Now that is one hilarious new way to play bingo.

InmateK8 said...

My son is six; things like this don't stop happening...