Sunday, November 19, 2006


My 3 year old tells me to come and meet her new friend "Buzz". I pretend to shake hands with "Buzz" assuming that he is another imaginary friend. (we have quite a few running around here) But she was quick to inform me that I had missed Buzz completely. Apparently Buzz is a fly. (this is what the quarantine has done to us).
She then tells me that I am not to hurt her friend "Buzz" by killing him. Of course after she leaves the room and "Buzz", apparently hungry, helps himself to her lunch, I start chasing him around the house with some reading material that I thought he might find interesting. I missed. I hear her sweet voice call from the next room, "Mom, don't hurt my friend Buzz". I miss again. A little less sweet, "Mom, don't Killll Buzzz!" Then out of frustration I call back, "Honey, I don't like your friend Buzz! I think he's nasty and disgusting and I don't like him!" Then a little more sweetly she replies, " Oh, mom, he just needs a bath!"

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